Gina Johnson

A native resident of both rural and suburban Southwestern Idaho for 23 years, Gina spent almost her entire childhood in the Gem State. She holds an Associates of Arts in General Studies from Ashworth College, where she earned Cum Lade Honors. In 2016, vol.1 of her Biography The Brain Game: Experiencing Blood Clots At Age 22 was published. Volume 2 will release this Holiday, where you’ll catch up on all things since. Including learning about how Gina later ran for Meridian Idaho Mayor in 2019 as a bipartisan gaming advocate. Working behind the scenes, Gina specializes in translation. She dabbles in various solutions, but is currently focused on increasing affordable housing, improving residential internet, and seeking ways to empower the underground video gaming community.

How? She calls it multi-Industry translation… Knowing just a little bit about almost everything to hopefully pass as
someone who can sound like a nerd in anything. However, to get her skillset, it costed a lot. Nearly every governmental Human service program worked with Gina. From foster care, to food stamps, Self Direct DD services to counseling, She has endured whatever life throws at her. Add 45 Medical
conditions and 25+ surgeries to her name yet, she still looks, acts, and communicates like a professional. She even dropped out of high school to get her GED but went back and graduated with honors. She may not be perfect, but with hidden illnesses, and a passion to help the world, you should learn how to get H.I.P. & Level Up your Role in Idaho today!

Sessions with Gina Johnson

August 11, 2023